title: Binder IPC Architecture
flowchart BT
G[[Generated Rust Code
for Service and Client]]
S(Your Binder Service)
C(Binder Client)
Service Manager)
AIDL-->|rsbinder-aidl compiler|G;
S-.->|Register Service|H;
C-.->|Query Service|H;
The Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) is a tool that lets users abstract away IPC. Given an interface (specified in a .aidl file), various build systems use the rsbinder-aidl crate to construct Rust bindings so that this interface can be used across processes, regardless of the runtime or bitness there.
Your Binder Service
Include the Rust code generated from AIDL to create your service.
Use rsbinder::hub to register your service with the HUB and wait for client requests.
Binder Client
Use the Rust code generated from AIDL to communicate with the service.
Query the HUB to check if the required service is available and receive a Binder Object (rsbinder::SIBinder) for the service.
Use the Binder Object to communicate with the Binder Service.
HUB(Service Manager)
rsbinder provides rsb_hub , a service manager for Linux.
On Android, no additional work is required since the Android service manager is already running.